Middle School

This page contains information for new students in grades 5 – 8 and their parents. Please bookmark this page so you can follow up on all the information provided below as it is updated throughout the spring and summer.


Parent Orientation

Plan to attend our Parent Welcome and Orientation meeting for parents of students new to Bear Creek's Middle School (entering grades 5 – 8) on Wednesday, May 14, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., in the Main building at Redmond Campus. Join V.P. for Academic Affairs Karen Blankenbeckler, Division Head Jenn McDonough, and Dean of Students Daniel Bates for a broad overview of the Bear Creek experience and receive information and resources that will help make for a smooth and successful transition to our school community.


Preparing for a New School

First day of Middle School


Tuition Payment

Whether opting for monthly payments or a single annual payment, sign up for a FACTS Tuition Management account no later than April 1, 2025. The first payment is due on May 5. The annual fee for FACTS is $50 per household (waived if tuition and facility fee are paid in full).

If you already have a FACTS account and need to add a new student, please contact Carol Willard, Accounts Receivable Specialist, at 425-898-1720 ext. 304 or cwillard@tbcs.org.

Families receiving tuition assistance, or any other credit, or enrolling late will have their accounts adjusted after the FACTS account is set up. Contact Carol Willard to verify monthly amount due.

Portal Access

Update your contact information and view your billing account on the (New Parent Portal. Log in using the same credentials used to log in to the Admissions Portal. If necessary, click the drop-down menu on the column at the top portal page to switch from the Admissions Portal to the New Parent Portal.

Portal Login

If you have any questions about accessing the New Parent Portal, please email Communications Manager Sini Fernandez (sfernandez@tbcs.org).

Grades 7 and 8 Activity Period Balloon Races

Immunization Requirement

Washington State law (RCW 28A.210.080) requires that all children enrolled at a public or private school must have documentation of the required immunizations or an exemption in order to attend school or preschool, including those attending an alternative school program such as Running Start, vocational technical school, or virtual school. The immunization records must be on file at the school by August 1 or prior the first day of attendance (for mid-year enrollees). See www.doh.wa.gov/vaxtoschool for additional details in multiple languages.

To help the school and our families meet this requirement, The Bear Creek School uses the School Module, an online system provided by the Washington State Department of Health. The School Module allows Bear Creek to quickly and efficiently check if your child has the vaccines required for school. This saves the health team from entering vaccination dates and frees up time to care for students.

On or before August 1, all new students and all returning preschool and grade 7 students must upload a medically verified Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form to the health portal. Children cannot attend school until these records are provided. We cannot accept any forms that have been mailed, emailed, or dropped off.

A medically verified Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form is a:

  • CIS printed by a health care provider from the Washington State Immunization Information System (IIS). This is medically verified by the Immunization Information System.
  • CIS printed from MyIR which is a free Department of Health site that allows families to view and print their official immunization records themselves. This is medically verified by the Immunization Information System. You can access your child’s immunization record at any time at MyIRMobile.com. First-time users will need to register. Users who previously had an account on MyIR.net should be able to use those credentials to log in and access immunization records after connecting your mobile phone number to your account.
  • CIS completed by hand. 
    • Must be verified with a health care provider signature
    • Must have medical vaccination records attached so it can be verified for accuracy by school staff

If your child is on a delayed schedule, also have your child's health care provider complete and sign the Certificate of Exemption. See Health Services for more information or contact Lea Hysom, school nurse, at lea.hysom@tbcs.org if you have any questions about your child's immunization records.

Math Placement

The Bear Creek School is committed to placing each student in the “best fit” class for math instruction. All new students must sit for a math placement test to ensure appropriate math class placement.

Upon enrollment, parents of new students in grades 5 – 8 should complete the Math Placement Information form.

Elective Course Preferences

Students in grades 7 and 8 are not enrolled in elective courses until the New Student Course Preferences form has been received. Since some classes fill up quickly, please take the following steps as soon as possible:

  1. Review the Grades 7 and 8 Course Catalog with your child.
  2. Complete the New Student Course Preferences form online. Also see Math Placement above.

If you have questions regarding courses, please contact James Woollard, Registrar, at registrar@tbcs.org.

Beginning Band

All students in grade 5 will play an instrument in the band. Together with your child, please review these Beginning Band resources to help him or her choose an instrument.

Mark your calendar for Tuesday evening, September 2, at 6:30 p.m. for Grade 5 Beginning Band Night when professional musicians will meet with students in groups by instrument to teach them the basic care and handling and help students with their first notes.

Note: Grade 6 students are asked to choose band or choir at the beginning of the school year. Student will have an opportunity to make their selections at that time. Please reach out Band Director Kelsey Thompson (kthompson@tbcs.org) with specific questions.

Summer Assignments and Review

After math placement is determined, check out the Summer Assignments and Review page for summer assignments, enrichment activities, and ideas. Also, check out the blog post from Division Head Jenn McDonough on 9 Ways to Prepare for Success in Middle School.

Summer Reading Program

Students entering grades 5 – 8 are encouraged to participate in our summer reading program.

Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Summer Camp 2025 runs for four weeks in June and July. We are offering a selection of sports, arts, and STEM camps for kids who will enter grades K – 12 next fall.

Middle School Boys Soccer

School Uniforms

Information about uniform guidelines, dress days, and online ordering can be found on the School Uniforms page. Spirit gear may be purchased in the Grizzly Gear Shop, either online or in person.

School Supplies

Bear Creek provides most materials for our students; however, there are some school supplies that parents must purchase for their children.

Back-to-School Registration

Look for email in early June announcing your child's Back-to-School Registration is ready for your attention. Back-to-School Registration is due by August 1, 2025, and must be complete before your child may attend school.

Fall Sports

Students in grades 6 – 8 are eligible to participate in Middle School fall sports which include boys and girls cross country, boys soccer, girls soccer, and girls volleyball. Fall sports registration opens in June and is due by August 1

Answers to many of your questions about sports participation are available in the Middle School section of the Athletics Program Overview. Additionally, parents and students may hear about our 2025 – 2026 Middle School athletics program at our online information meeting on Thursday, May 15, at 7:00 p.m.

Join Teams Meeting

Sports Physical

Bear Creek requires our student-athletes to receive an annual physical exam. Please download and print the Physical Examination and Medical Eligibility forms and bring them with you to your child's doctor's appointment. Submit the signed medical eligibility form online during Back-to-School Registration (see above).

Grizzly Hoops

Grizzly Hoops is Bear Creek's basketball development program for boys and girls in grades 4, 5, and 6. Registration opens in September, and the season runs from November through February. If your child is interested in participating, please attend the online information meeting on Tuesday, May 6, at 7:00 p.m.

Join Teams Meeting

Academic Teams

Bear Creek offers several academic teams (math, coding, etc.) for Middle School students. Registration opens in early June.

Drop-off and Pick-up

Review our campus maps and familiarize yourself with the morning and afternoon routines (subject to change). Families with students in both Lower School and Middle School may sign up for drop-off and pick-up supervision.

Mark Your Calendar

On every webpage, you will find a link to the School Calendar which can be filtered according to your child's division (or check out the special Middle School Calendar). Parents may subscribe to the various sub-calendar feeds and/or subscribe to email/text alerts for specific events or calendars.

Inside Bear Creek

As part of your orientation to Bear Creek, please plan to join Patrick Carruth, President and Headmaster, and Mariana Keller, Vice President for Philanthropy and Community Engagement, at Inside Bear Creek in the fall. This gathering will provide you with important practical information about how to get involved in the Bear Creek community as a parent, an understanding of how the school functions beyond the classrooms, and an opportunity to connect with other new families. Look for an email in early September with more details.


By Division

Preschool (P3 – P5)

Lower School (grades K – 4)

Middle School (grades 5 – 8)

Upper School (grades 9 – 12)

By Department

Tuition and Fees

  • Director of Business Operations Kathleen Lewis, klewis@tbcs.org, 425-898-1720, ext. 302

Giving or Volunteering

  • Vice President for Philanthropy and Community Engagement Mariana Keller, mkeller@tbcs.org, 425-898-1720 ext. 340


Health Services

  • Director of Health Services and School Nurse Lea Hysom, lea.hysom@tbcs.org, 425-898-1720 ext. 399

Back-to-School Registration


  • Athletics Director Chad Pohlman, cpohlman@tbcs.org, 425-898-1720 ext. 431 (grades 9 – 12 sports)
  • Middle School Athletics Director Nate Campbell, ncampbell@tbcs.org, 425-898-1720 ext. 430 (grades 6 – 8 sports)

College and Academic Advising

  • Dean of College and Academic Advising Katie Gomulkiewicz, kgomulkiewicz@tbcs.org, 425-898-1720 ext. 533 (grades 11 – 12)
  • Dean of Academic Advising Ayoleida Páramo, aparamo@tbcs.org, 425-898-1720 ext. 535 (grades 9 – 10)
  • Registrar James Woollard or Amanda Hale, registrar@tbcs.org, 425-898-1720 ext. 537


Also check out the online directory of faculty and staff.