Masthead Image

Christmas at Bear Creek

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14

Christmas at Bear Creek: In excelsis Deo

Original artwork by Emily Stchur, Assistant Director of Events, acrylic on Masonite. Emily holds a B.A. in Studio Art with a concentration in painting from Towson University. She specializes in painting Orthodox icons, carefully crafted using traditional egg tempera and gold leaf on wood panels. To explore more of her artwork, visit her portfolio at



Out of town family and friends may watch the performances streamed live from the Upper School's Diamond Performing Arts Center or the Main building's Cornerstone Theater.


Please respect all reserved parking spots. These events are expected to be well attended; please allow adequate time for parking and finding a seat. Please do not park on the street. For events held in the Diamond Performing Arts Center, please note there is limited parking at the Upper School. If the lot is full, please park in the lot at the Main building and follow the lighted footpath.

Concerts and Programs

Doors open 20 – 30 minutes prior to show time.

There are no events to display
Upper School Christmas Lights