Lower School Open House on Demand

Videos and Tours Kindergarten – Grade 4

Watch our videos to hear faculty and administrators describe our high-quality programs and the intentionality with which our Lower School curriculum is designed. For more information, sign up for a tour, visit our  interactive campus map, or explore our website.

Program Overview

Hear Lower School Division Head Kristen Gephart describe the philosophy and vision for our Lower School curriculum.

Student Life

Lower School Dean of Students Tracy Whitfield shares the ways our Lower School student life program nurtures students.


Lower School teacher Jenny Shimada shares how our Lower School students learn about God’s world through hands-on science instruction.


Lower School teacher Lena Whitlock describes Bear Creek's individualized math program.

Computer Programming

Computer programming specialist Tony Grant describes our curricular progression through the Lower School years.


Lower School teacher Kim Higby describes our history curriculum in the Lower School.


Lower School teacher Amy Larson describes our writing program in the Lower School years.