Community Service Details
Students serving during our annual National Honor Society Hopelink Food Drive
All students must log a minimum of at least 100 verified hours between the summer before freshman year and the spring of senior year. Hours are tracked with MobileServe, a community service tracking platform. We suggest that 50 or more of these 100 hours be served in one or more causes or community organizations that are outside of The Bear Creek School community.
Please Note: Unpaid internships, unpaid work for a business or individual, and service hours to family members do not count toward the requirement. Service is typically given to the work of organizations such as local churches, nonprofit organizations, and civic organizations.
Here are some tips for completing your community service hours in a timely manner and getting the most out of this opportunity:
- Think about what things you really enjoy doing and whether you could serve others with those interests. On the other hand, sometimes service opportunities are great places to see whether you enjoy a certain activity or not.
- Map out a plan out for when and where you will complete community service hours at the beginning of each semester.
- Plan on serving some hours in the summer. This helps free up time for the school year. Some students complete the majority of their community service hours in the summer.
- Record your hours and request email approval immediately so you don’t forget! Better yet, ask your service supervisor to approve your hours on the MobileServe app before you leave.
- Check out all these ideas for how to serve at school, in our community, and around the world. Contact Dean of Faith and Learning Mr. Davison ( if you have questions.