During the week of November 4 – 8, 2024, The Bear Creek School’s chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) sponsored a food drive for Hopelink, and it was a huge success. Putting compassion into action, Bear Creek students collected 14,299 cans/boxes of food to help our local community!
Community Service
We seek tangible ways for students to serve through a number of service projects and service-learning opportunities locally, nationally, and abroad.
Our Compassion in Action program in the Upper School includes a community service hours requirement for graduation. Our Upper School Community Service program is an important and natural extension of our convictions as Christians and the mission of our school.
Students serving at Acres of Diamonds in Duvall
Program Objectives
Bear Creek’s community service program is an important and natural extension of our convictions as Christians and the mission of our school.
- As Christians, our source of wisdom for Christian living is found first in the person, work, and teachings of Christ, then in the rest of scripture which points to Christ. Jesus frequently taught and demonstrated that, to follow His pattern, one must serve others (Luke 22: 27; Matthew 20:25-28).
- Moral education requires one to do the moral thing, and thus be educated. If we want our students to become virtuous individuals of compassion, they need to go serve and thereby develop compassion. Aristotle famously recognized, “We are what we repeatedly do…Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
- Finally, we wish to engender within our students the courage to identify needs in their community and serve in sustainable and long-lasting ways. We want to help students find their God-given gifts and talents and learn to operate within them to serve others boldly and with conviction in their immediate communities and beyond.
Students complete 100 hours of service through a wide variety of organizations during their Upper School years.