


Students gather every other Tuesday for worship, praise, teaching, and reflection during Chapel service. The service includes a student-led worship team and a variety of speakers and topics to help students better understand and live the Christian faith in thought and action.

Our student-led worship team is made up of students, selected by audition, who display musical ability and lead with spiritual integrity.

students around a table

Athanasius House Girls Mentor Group

Mentor Groups

Mentor groups meet on alternating Tuesdays in place of Chapels, not to replace Chapel, but because we believe small group time will strengthen a student’s faith walk. Each House has four mentor groups—two groups of boys and two of girls. All mentor groups comprise members from the same House.

These small groups are a way for students to form relationships across the grade levels and to create a clearer mentoring relationship between students and teachers. One teacher will mentor the same small group of students through all four Upper School years, as well as between upperclassmen and lowerclassmen.

Mentor groups provide a chance to discuss topics in small groups. To further our mentorship program, these meetings intentionally include time for bonding and fellowship, with less structure and more opportunities to share prayer requests, stories, etc.

Over the years, we have seen stronger cross-grade collaboration and mentorship. We have noticed that juniors and seniors develop greater empathy for the freshman and sophomores who are walking paths they have walked before.

I'm in the worship team, and what's really impactful to me is the fact that I get to lead other people in worship and spend more time with God.

~Andrew, freshman