Student Life

Christian Commitment

Students explore the attributes of God as the Creator and see how biblical truths apply to how we live each day through study, play, and community activities. 


Weekly Chapel is a time of worship, praise, teaching, and reflection. Chapel topics focus on a particular doctrinal strand and are presented by faculty and special speakers. A staff-led worship team creates a thoughtful yet energetic experience for our Lower School community, and in grades 3 and 4, students have the opportunity to participate on worship team. See this year's memory verses and chapel topics.

Virtue Development

Teachers work to cultivate wisdom, compassion, and courage, in themselves and in each student. In the Lower School we seek to help students identify and name the evidence of the virtues as students grow in relationship with one another and in Christ.

Recognizing that displays of virtue benefit our entire community, we honor specific students weekly with Growing in Virtue Awards. Teachers or staff members nominate a student and at Chapel our entire Lower School community receives the benefit of hearing the beautiful impact the student has made, the definition of the virtue, and scripture that points to the Lord's desire for us to be transformed in this way.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit, and good habits formed at youth make all the difference."—Aristotle

Student putting sticker on wall

Parent Involvement

Parents play an important role in building a strong and supportive Lower School community. Students benefit from many parent volunteers who serve in the classroom to provide additional reinforcement of academic skills, chaperone field trips, and assist with class activities.

Big Buddies

A highlight of the month is the time students spend with their “buddies.” Students in grades 3 – 5 are paired with “little buddies” in grades K – 2 for a reading mentorship. They read together and enjoy developing relationships across grade levels.

Community Service

Students express their faith through Compassion in Action projects. Each year, they participate in school-wide community service projects, such as the annual Hopelink food drive, and hands-on classroom projects, e.g., the kindergarten mitten drive, to help them develop compassion and "love our neighbors."

Two students organizing canned food


Students in Lower School are learning how to navigate socially with others. We know social navigation strategies must be intentionally taught and that to fully develop these tools, students need practice over time. In the classroom, teachers proactively unpack playground issues and teach social strategies.

One tool we use with students for a common language across Lower School is called Kelso's Choice. We have adults available to help solve big problems. Kelso's Choice provides tools students can use to handle small problems: talk it out make a deal, tell them to stop, apologize, share, wait and cool off, ignore it, walk away, or go to another game.

After School Programs

Bear Creek offers after school enrichment classes in our Bear Creek Plus program.


Beginning in grade 4, boys and girls are invited to participate in Grizzly Hoops, our basketball development program.