Accelerated Reader (K – 8)
The Bear Creek School Libraries administer the Accelerated Reader® (AR) program to enhance student literacy. AR is a supplemental tool which complements our excellent core reading curriculum. It encourages students to learn to pay attention to what they are reading which is a critical factor in improving comprehension.
Once a student has read a book, he or she can log in to his or her own AR account and take a comprehension quiz on it.
During the school year, as each student earns the necessary points for his or her grade level, his or her name and picture is added to the AR progress slides displayed in either the Ida Lairson Library or C.E. "Ted" Kindel Library as follows:
Grades K – 2 10 AR points needed
Grades 3 – 4 25 AR points needed
Grades 5 – 8 50 AR points needed
Student achievement in AR is recognized at the year-end Honors Assemblies. Each student who earns over 300 AR points in single year will have a book dedicated in his or her name donated to the school libraries.
Watch the School Calendar and The Bear Facts for the last day to take AR quizzes in a given school year.
Take a Quiz
AR quizzes are taken either at school in the student's classroom or in the library or at home under parent supervision. From home, students will access the Accelerated Reader quizzes by logging in through Clever.
- If needed, see Using Clever to Log In for instructions
- Click the gray R to access Renaissance's Accelerated Reader
- Click on the orange AR button
- Search for your book and take the quiz
Contact with any questions.
To locate the quiz number for a book from a source other than the Bear Creek Libraries, please use AR Bookfinder. Here you may search for a book by title, author, or series. Please verify the quiz number before your child begins each test to ensure that you have the right one.
Please help us safeguard the integrity of AR testing by ensuring your family follows the rules:
- Students are not allowed to refer to the book when taking an AR quiz. (In other words, the book must remain closed for the entirety of the test.)
- Parents may not help their child answer any of the questions on an AR quiz. (The only assistance parents may offer is reading the questions and choices aloud if your child is a beginning reader.)
- Any AR quizzes taken by students at home will not be deleted from accounts due to a low score.
Non-compliance with any of these AR test rules may result in the following actions: blockage of remote AR quizzing, removal of points from student's account, and/or disqualification from higher AR point clubs.
About AR Quizzes
- AR quizzes are multiple choice and vary between 5 and 20 questions in length.
- AR quizzes are assigned a Book Level which is based somewhat on the difficulty of the vocabulary used in the book.
- AR quizzes are assigned a point value based somewhat on the length of the book. Early readers (e.g., Biscuit or Elephant and Piggie) are worth 0.5 points. Tolstoy's War and Peace is worth 118 points.
- Early readers may choose to have the AR quiz questions read to them.
- The points a student earns for a specific quiz taken is based on the percentage of questions answered correctly. 100% of possible points is earned for 100% of answers correct, 90% of possible points for 90% of answers correct, and so on. A percentage of the total points available is awarded based on how many test questions the student answers correctly. Zero points are awarded if the student answers less than 60% (5 and 10 question tests) or less than 70% (20 question tests) of the questions correctly.
- Most of the books that our students are reading have AR quizzes available, not just the books in our school libraries or in your child’s classroom. The biggest exceptions are books written internationally, books 30+ years old that are not considered classics, or books published within the last two months.
Guidelines for Parents
- If you read the book to your child and he/she is an emerging reader, you may read your child the quiz questions and four possible answers as well. The student must then pick the answer independently. You may not help your child discern the correct answer; the student must choose.
- Once the quiz is started students may not open the book to refer to the contents for help in answering questions.
- Reviewing the major parts of the book including characters, setting, plot, story line sequence, and pictures (if a 0.5-point book), will encourage student success.
AR Bookfinder
Students may quiz on books from the Bear Creek Libraries, your home library, the King County Library System, or any other source (including eBooks and audiobooks). Use AR Bookfinder to search for a book by title, author, series, and even Book Level.