Naviance Student

Students may access their Naviance Student accounts through MyBC/Students without an additional password, while parents receive their login credentials via email in August of their child's freshman year. If you are an Upper School student or parent needing assistance accessing Naviance Student, please email us

The Office of College Advising uses a comprehensive online service called Naviance Student. Over 9000 schools and districts use Naviance to transform their college and career readiness programs. Naviance offers college planning tools and resources for a number of important areas in the college planning and application process. The Bear Creek School offers Naviance Student to Upper School students and parents.

  • Research colleges by exploring detailed information about colleges of interest, search for colleges based on the criteria that matters most to you and save a list of colleges where you plan to apply that your college advisor can review.
  • Request transcripts and teacher letters of recommendation. View the status of these requests real-time.
  • View and register for over 100+ on-campus college visits each fall.
  • Retain extracurricular activities and honors/awards from grades 9 – 12 that can be formatted automatically for a resume (useful for interviews and applications)
  • Complete online surveys that include Do What You Are, Strength Explorer, MI Advantage, and Learning Style Inventory. These help the Office of College Advising guide students and give useful information about possible careers and fields of study.
  • Research careers by taking career assessments, reviewing hundreds of careers and career clusters, and finding colleges that have programs that align with your academic interests.
  • Plan for the future by creating goals and to-do lists; keep track of important tasks assigned to you by your college advisor.